Monday 28 June 2010

Friday I got up at 7 to go to work. Got to work a little before 9. The day was pretty slow for the most part- the boss wasn't in, so I was mostly just touching up the drawings I'd done the previous day. Fortunately I needed to leave early to go to the weekend house with Zsuzsi and Tibi, so left the office around 2 to meet up with them, and after a bit of running around, I managed to find them.

We drove the 2 hours it takes to get to Havis
(sp?) and arrived around 5 or 6, though I'd managed to sleep for the entire car ride, which was good. Still trying to get used to waking up at 7 AM every morning... Fanni, Peter and Sebi (that's apparently how you spell "Shebi") were there as well. Tibi's cousin and his family live right next door, so they were over. Their daughter (probably one year old or so) hung out with Sebi, and I kicked a soccer ball around with the father. Went to bed around 9:30.

Woke up around 7:30. I slept much better than I thought I would, after having spent the night in a tent. We got started pretty early, and left the house after breakfast to go see whatever there was to see around Lake Balaton. There was some festival going on, and Zsuzsi pointed out some buildings that her mother had helped design, which was interesting. Had a burger for lunch, and we continued to go around and see whatever the area had to offer. The cows were cool- all white with huge horns.

We also stopped by an old Baroque-style church.
It was actually pretty cool- I'd never been inside of any baroque-style building before, so it was an interesting experience for me. Very decorative. And apparently that church was where the first written Hungarian words were... written. There was a copy of the document there- It was pretty much one phrase of Hungarian amidst a bunch of Latin. We also went to see some old castle ruins. I really like castle ruins. You can see the remnants of the floor plan in what's left of the walls, and I like to try to guess what each room might have been for. Granted, I'm no castle genius, but it entertains me a lot for some reason.

I took a bike ride with Zsuzsi that night after we'd gotten back to the house. We went down to the lake and came back pretty much immediately because it was getting dark. It was good exercise though- hadn't been on a bike in a few weeks, but I made it back in one piece. Went to bed around 10.

The next day we started early again. I got up around 8, had breakfast, and we were off to go climb up a hill. At the top there were some more castle ruins, which was cool. Nice view too. I took a lot of pictures. Afterwards we went to another
old church. The one from the previous day was more interesting for me, but I thought it was interesting that this one was something like 800 years old. We came back afterwards, and I helped with a bit of manual labor. Chopped some wood, picked some fruit, piled some firewood, and dismantled my tent. Fell asleep for an hour or so on the couch, and woke up in time for dinner. We headed home afterwards, though I was awake for this car ride, and arrived around 9:30.

Today I woke up bright and early again at 7 to go to work, and arrived a bit before 9. I sat in on an office meeting (though I didn't really understand any of it- it was in Hungarian) since I'd finished all my work from the previous days. It was interesting to see what the meetings were like at least, with everyone giving their updates and proposing their ideas. I also thought it was interesting that they were starting to think about Christmas. Afterwards I had lunch, and then started to fight with the ArchieCAD program. It's pretty much Europe-exclusive, so the program is in Hungarian. Needless to say, the program and I don't understand each other too well, and I was getting frustrated trying to do something as simple as punching a hole in a wall for a window. Eventually though things started to come together. I've got a ways to go before the model is finished, but it's at least starting to look like something. They've put me to work drawing up a church that needs remodeling. It's been out of use for some time now, and they're trying to turn it into a facility for children's activities.

Left work a little after 6 and walked/tram'd my way back to the house. Had dinner with Zsuzsi, took a pain pill for the headache I'd developed during my fight with ArchieCAD, and now I'm lying in bed.

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