Tuesday 15 June 2010

Sunday and Monday were both pretty lazy days for me. Mostly I was still super tired from my walk on Friday and from the birthday on Saturday. Plus Sunday was really hot, so no one really felt like doing anything. Fanni and Tusi did come over that day in the afternoon, though we still just hung around the house for the entire time. I did make some cookies with Zsuzsi that night though (which ended up tasting really good). They were super easy to make too, so I could probably make them when I get back if I felt the urge...

Monday was also fairly uneventful- Zsuzsi and Tibi were out for the morning/early afternoon, so I was by myself for the first part of the day. There was nothing in the fridge that I knew how to eat, so I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Found this small food shack thing. I couldn't read anything on the menu except "hamburger," but that was plenty. Got that and a coke for the equivalent of about 3 bucks, which
I thought was a pretty solid deal. The burger was actually really good too. I'll probably go back a few more times and risk some of the other stuff on the menu. I think I saw gyros on it, which should be the next step for me I think. I walked around for a little while longer before going back to the house. Otherwise the day was pretty uneventful.

Woke up today and had lunch with Zsuzsi and Tibi before going off to studio. I actually haven't done any work since like Thursday, which kind of bugged me, so I asked for something to do. Eventually, they had me start to learn Archicad,
which is more or less an architect-geared version
of autocad. To be honest, I'm hating it right
now, though it took me a long time before I actually started liking Adobe Illustrator or Autocad (I'd preferred Photoshop before...), so I'm giving it a shot anyway. I used it to draw a
plan/section of a shed that needs to get drawn up so it can be demolished... Apparently that's the process. I'm really happy that the stuff I do here is actually being used, and isn't just busy work though. But I fought through that for a few hours until Zsuzsi and Tibi kicked me out of the office, this time because they had to go to some event and they were dumping me in the city. I was all for it.

They dropped me off in Moscow Square, which was where I'd gotten to by tram on Friday, I got
some money, and I started walking around. They gave me a map, but I didn't want to use it. My goal was really just to get to the Danube, so I just headed in that general direction. It wasn't really that difficult to get there. I recognized some of the streets from my previous expedition, which
made things easy. Once there, I had a beautiful view of the parliament building and of the Pest skyline. There are a bunch of bridges between Buda and Pest, and I didn't really like the one to the north of me aesthetically (the name escapes me at the moment...), so I headed south to the chain bridge along the river. Stopped at a church to take some pictures. Not sure what church it was though. I like churches though... Anyway. I apparently hold the camera at a slight angle...

The chain bridge is a really neat bridge I think. I walked across it and had some interesting views of the city, and arrived at the other side where I started walking back north along the Danube towards where I was supposed to meet Zsuzsi and Tibi. I got to the parliament building and the folk museum Zsuzsi had taken me to, and finally got the pictures that I wanted with my camera, which made me happy. Also bought a coke. I think I'm slowly getting to know my way around the city- not necessarily by street names, but more so by land marks. The bridges are a good indicator, and certain squares and buildings also help me a lot. Granted, I've still only been around a small portion of Budapest, but I'm getting to know it pretty well I think.

Anyway, met up with Zsuzsi and Tibi a while
later and had some dinner with them. Hungarian
bufe's aren't like American bufe's... At least this one wasn't. You pay for the stuff you take, rather than paying once and taking as much as you want. I actually held the line up a bit trying to figure this out, but oh well. It was good food. Afterwards, we walked around for a bit to check out a plaque with my great grandparents' names on it, on the side of a building. Apparently they'd lived there a while back. Buildings have plaques on them with the names of famous people who'd lived there in the past. It was interesting for me. We walked back across the bridge I didn't like as much as the Chain Bridge to the car and drove the rest of the way home. Saw a bus that was driving through the danube. We were all tired.

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